Sunday, August 5, 2007

Support for Elves

Good for Hermione that she did her best to support elves.

Myself wasn't sure. There are lot of opinions about elves. Only thing I don't like abuse, of course but what if one of them is bad? How do we know? As seen in HP5, that elf was "nasty" so I think because of the Black Family may not be nice. I just guess. As Sirius pointed out his face on the family tree wall, was burned by his mother.

I will join S.P.E.W.
I would like to help out. I will never know the overcome of this organization. I mean... is that enough?


Maria said...

Thank you! This blog post has been added to the freebies list at

Anonymous said...

This is great, can`t wait to get the entire kit together, thanks for sharing!